----------------------------------------------------------------------- - TODO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- T> Parsodus regex parser in Lexesis -> Vrijgeven in libraryformaat: mogelijkheid verschillende tokens opvragen K> Parsodus Parsodus parser -> Precedence + fill precedence in rules -> rule naming (problem: multiple rules same name -> change in backend) -> grammar struct change to contain optional name per rule -> Volgorde belangrijk? -> Voorbeelden -> brainfuck? bare bones? bash transpiler? R> simple calculator -> include in tests -> Unit tests -> LR(0) -> SLR -> LR(1) -> LALR #R 1 enkel LR(1) #K 1 LR(1) + LALR(1) #T 1 LR(0) -> Table generator (independent of specific tables)??? -> presentation -> Error reporting -> bool specialization in backend? -> publication / LICENSE -> --- logging -> write configuration sets, table -> Generator: logging -> driver/main: debug flag ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - MOSTLY DONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- R> README R> JSON port -> rewrite once named rules exist ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - DONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- R> Precedence resolution in generator R> man pages R> bash completion R> Generated code error handler T> Parser selection without enum (Thomas) (flexible matching (case insensitive, ...))