const hyprland = await Service.import("hyprland") const audio = await Service.import("audio") const battery = await Service.import("battery") const systemtray = await Service.import("systemtray") import { getIconName } from "./utils.js" import { NotificationPopups } from "./notificationPopups.js" const volumeIndicator = Widget.Button({ on_clicked: () => audio.speaker.is_muted = !audio.speaker.is_muted, class_name: "item blue", child: Widget.Box({ children: [ Widget.Icon().hook(audio.speaker, self => { const vol = audio.speaker.volume * 100 const icon = [ [101, 'overamplified'], [67, 'high'], [34, 'medium'], [1, 'low'], [0, 'muted'], ].find(([threshold]) => threshold <= vol)?.[1] self.icon = `audio-volume-${icon}-symbolic` self.tooltip_text = `Volume ${Math.floor(vol)}%` }), Widget.Label().hook(audio.speaker, self => { const label = `${Math.floor(audio.speaker.volume * 100)}%` self.label = audio.speaker.is_muted ? "" : label self.css = audio.speaker.is_muted ? "margin-left:0;": "margin-left: 0.7em;" }) ]}), }); function Clients() { const activeId ="address") const clients = hyprland.bind("clients").as(cl => cl.filter(a => !a.title.includes("rofi")).map(({ address, title, workspace }) => { const short_title = title.length > 40 ? title.slice(0, 20) + "..." : title return Widget.Box({ attribute:, class_name: => `${i === address ? "focused" : ""}`), children: [ Widget.Icon({ vexpand: false, size: 16, className: "app-icon", icon: getIconName(hyprland.clients.find(c => c.address === address)) }), Widget.Label(`${short_title}`) ], }) }) ) return Widget.Box({ class_name: "clients", children: clients, setup: self => self.hook(hyprland, () => self.children.forEach(box => { box.visible = === box.attribute })), }) } function Workspaces() { const activeId ="id") const workspaces = hyprland.bind("workspaces").as(ws => { ws.sort((a, b) => - return{ id, monitorID }) => Widget.Button({ attribute: monitorID, label: `${id}`.slice(-1), onClicked: () => hyprland.messageAsync(`dispatch workspace ${id}`), class_name: => `${i === id ? "focused" : ""}`), }) ) }) return Widget.Box({ children: workspaces, class_name: "workspaces", setup: self => self.hook(hyprland, () => self.children.forEach(btn => { btn.visible = === btn.attribute })), }) } function SysTray() { const items = systemtray.bind("items") .as(items => => Widget.Button({ child: Widget.Icon({ icon: item.bind("icon"), css: "margin-left: 0.3em;margin-right: 0.3em;" }), on_primary_click: (_, event) => item.activate(event), on_secondary_click: (_, event) => item.openMenu(event), tooltip_markup: item.bind("tooltip_markup"), css: "margin-left: 0.4em;", }))) return Widget.Box({ children: items, }) } function Left() { return Widget.Box({ spacing: 8, children: [ Clients(), ], }) } function Center() { return Widget.Box({ spacing: 8, children: [ Workspaces(), ], }) } function Right() { return Widget.Box({ hpack: "end", spacing: 8, class_name: "right", children: [ SysTray(), volumeIndicator, Widget.Label({ class_name: "item", label: Variable("", { poll: [5000, 'bash -c "top -bn1 | grep \\"Cpu(s)\\" | sed \\"s/.*, *\\([0-9.]*\\)%* id.*/\\\\1/\\" | awk \'{print \\"CPU \\" 100 - \\$1 \\"%\\"}\'"'] }).bind(), }), Widget.Label({ class_name: "item blue", label: Variable("", { poll: [5000, 'bash -c "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep \\"MHz\\" | awk \'{print \\$4}\' | sort -n | tail -1 | awk \'{printf \\"%.2f GHz\\", \\$1/1000}\'"'] }).bind(), }), Widget.Label({ class_name: "item", label: Variable("", { poll: [5000, 'bash -c \'free -m | awk \'\\\'\'/^Mem/ {printf "%.2f GB\\n", $3/1024}\'\\\''] }).bind(), }), Widget.Label({ class_name: "item blue", label: Variable("", { poll: [5000, 'bash -c "sensors | grep Tctl | cut -c16-22"'] }).bind(), }), Widget.Label({ class_name: "item", label: Variable("", { poll: [1000, 'date "+%Y-%m-%d"'] }).bind(), }), Widget.Label({ class_name: "item blue", label: Variable("", { poll: [1000, 'date "+%H:%M:%S"'] }).bind(), }) ], }) } function Bar(monitor = 0) { return Widget.Window({ name: `ags-bar-${monitor}`, // name has to be unique class_name: "bar", monitor, anchor: ["top", "left", "right"], exclusivity: "exclusive", child: Widget.CenterBox({ class_name: "window-box", start_widget: Left(), center_widget: Center(), end_widget: Right(), }), }) } App.config({ style: "./style.css", windows: [ Bar(0), NotificationPopups(), ], }) export { }