{ "layer": "top", // Waybar at top layer "height": 28, // Waybar height (to be removed for auto height) "spacing": 4, // Gaps between modules (4px) "modules-left": ["hyprland/window"], "modules-center": ["hyprland/workspaces"], "modules-right": ["tray", "wireplumber", "cpu", "memory", "temperature", "battery", "clock"], "wireplumber": { "format": "{icon} {volume}%", "on-click": "helvum", "format-muted": "", "on-click": "wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ toggle", "format-icons": ["", "", ""] }, "hyprland/workspaces": { "disable-scroll": true, "all-outputs": false, "warp-on-scroll": false }, "tray": { // "icon-size": 21, "spacing": 10 }, "clock": { "timezone": "Europe/Brussels", "format": "{:%H:%M:%S}", "interval": 1, "format-alt": "{:%Y-%m-%d}" }, "cpu": { "format": "{max_frequency}GHz", "tooltip": false, "interval": 5 }, "memory": { "interval": 5, "format": "{used:0.2f}G" }, "temperature": { "thermal-zone": 6, // "hwmon-path": "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input", "critical-threshold": 80, // "format-critical": "{temperatureC}°C {icon}", "format": "{temperatureC}°C", // "format-icons": ["", "", ""] }, "battery": { "states": { // "good": 95, "warning": 30, "critical": 15 }, "format": "{icon}", "format-plugged": "{capacity}% ", "format-alt": "{capacity}% {time} {icon}", // "format-good": "", // An empty format will hide the module // "format-full": "", "format-icons": [" ", " ", " ", " ", " "] }, "battery#bat2": { "bat": "BAT2" }, "network": { // "interface": "wlp2*", // (Optional) To force the use of this interface "format-wifi": "{essid} ({signalStrength}%) ", "format-ethernet": "{ipaddr}/{cidr} ", "tooltip-format": "{ifname} via {gwaddr} ", "format-linked": "{ifname} (No IP) ", "format-disconnected": "Disconnected ⚠", "format-alt": "{ifname}: {ipaddr}/{cidr}" }, "custom/media": { "format": "{icon} {}", "return-type": "json", "max-length": 40, "format-icons": { "spotify": "", "default": "🎜" }, "escape": true, "exec": "$HOME/.config/waybar/mediaplayer.py 2> /dev/null" // Script in resources folder // "exec": "$HOME/.config/waybar/mediaplayer.py --player spotify 2> /dev/null" // Filter player based on name } }