{ config, pkgs, ... }: { home.file = { ".mailcap".text = "text/html; w3m -dump -o -document_charset=%{charset} %s; nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput"; }; home.packages = with pkgs; [ mailcap ]; programs.notmuch = { enable = true; extraConfig = { database = { path = "/home/server/Storage/Thomas/Mail"; }; user = { name = "Thomas Avé"; primary_email = "email@thomasave.be"; other_email = "Thomas.Ave@uantwerpen.be;Thomas.Ave@imec.be;"; }; maildir = { synchronize_flags = "true"; }; }; }; programs.aerc = { enable = true; extraBinds = { global = { "" = ":menu -adc 'fzy -l 30' :cf -a"; "" = ":next-tab"; "?" = ":help keys"; "" = ":check-mail"; }; messages = { "q" = ":q"; "" = ":q"; "j" = ":next"; "k" = ":prev"; "" = ":prev"; "g" = ":select 0"; "G" = ":select -1"; "J" = ":next-folder"; "K" = ":prev-folder"; "v" = ":mark -t"; "V" = ":mark -v"; "" = ":read -t"; "T" = ":toggle-threads"; "" = ":view"; "d" = ":prompt 'Really delete this message?' 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"$ex" = ""; "" = ":toggle-key-passthrough"; }; compose = { "$noinherit" = "true"; "$ex" = ""; "$complete" = ""; "" = ":prev-field"; "" = ":prev-field"; "" = ":next-field"; "" = ":next-field"; "" = ":switch-account -p"; "" = ":switch-account -p"; "" = ":switch-account -n"; "" = ":switch-account -n"; "" = ":next-field"; "" = ":prev-field"; "" = ":prev-tab"; "" = ":prev-tab"; "" = ":next-tab"; "" = ":next-tab"; }; "compose::editor" = { "$noinherit" = "true"; "$ex" = ""; "" = ":prev-field"; "" = ":prev-field"; "" = ":next-field"; "" = ":next-field"; "" = ":prev-tab"; "" = ":prev-tab"; "" = ":next-tab"; "" = ":next-tab"; }; "compose::review" = { "y" = ":send"; "n" = ":abort"; "v" = ":preview"; "p" = ":postpone"; "q" = ":choose -o d discard abort -o p postpone postpone"; "e" = ":edit"; "a" = ":attach"; "d" = ":detach"; }; terminal = { "$noinherit" = "true"; "$ex" = ""; "" = ":prev-tab"; "" = ":next-tab"; "" = ":prev-tab"; "" = ":next-tab"; }; }; templates = { quoted_reply = '' {{(index .OriginalFrom 0).Name}}, {{dateFormat (.OriginalDate | toLocal) "Jan 02, 2006 at 15:04"}}: {{ if eq .OriginalMIMEType "text/html" -}} {{- exec `${pkgs.w3m}/bin/w3m -dump -o display_link_number=1 -T text/html` .OriginalText | quote -}} {{- else -}} {{- .OriginalText | quote -}} {{- end}} ''; 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