{ inputs, config, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ (import ./utils/desktop.nix { inherit inputs config pkgs; }) ]; programs.ssh.matchBlocks."*".identityFile = "/home/server/.secrets/SSH/Kell/id_ed25519"; services.hyprpaper = { settings = { wallpaper = [ "DP-3,${./hyprland/files/wallpaper.png}" "DP-2,${./hyprland/files/wallpaper.png}" "HDMI-A-1,${./hyprland/files/wallpaper.png}" ]; }; }; wayland.windowManager.hyprland.settings = { monitor = [ "DP-3,preferred,0x550,1" "DP-2,preferred,1920x0,1" "HDMI-A-1,preferred,5760x550,1" ]; input.kb_options = "compose:rctrl, caps:super, altwin:swap_alt_win"; }; home.file."${config.xdg.configHome}/ags/settings.json".text = builtins.toJSON { temperature-cmd = "bash -c 'sensors | grep Tctl | cut -c16-22'"; }; home.file."${config.xdg.configHome}/ags/style.css".text = '' window.bar { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); font-size: 1.3em; } .systray-item { margin-left: 0.3em; margin-right: 0.3em; } .systray { margin-left: 0.4em; } .window-box { margin-bottom: 0.3em; margin-top: 0.2em; } .clients box { margin-right: 0.3em; } .item, .clients box { background: #1f2430; padding-left: 0.7em; padding-right: 0.7em; border-radius: 0.3em; } .app-icon { margin-right: 0.6em; } button { background: #1f2430; border:none; padding: 0.2em; border-radius: 0.3em; } .focused, .clients box.focused { background: #023269; } button:hover { background: #023269; } .workspaces button { padding-left: 0.4em; padding-right: 0.4em; margin-left: 0.2em; margin-right: 0.2em; } .notification { color: yellow; } .blue { background: #023269; } /* Notifications */ window.notification-popups box.notifications { padding: .5em; } .icon { min-width: 68px; min-height: 68px; margin-right: 1em; } .icon image { font-size: 58px; /* to center the icon */ margin: 5px; color: @theme_fg_color; } .icon box { min-width: 68px; min-height: 68px; border-radius: 7px; } .notification { min-width: 350px; border-radius: 11px; padding: 1em; margin: .5em; background-color: #1f2430; } .notification.critical { border: 1px solid lightcoral; } .title { color: @theme_fg_color; font-size: 1.4em; } .body { color: @theme_unfocused_fg_color; } .actions .action-button { margin: 0 .4em; margin-top: .8em; } .actions .action-button:first-child { margin-left: 0; } .actions .action-button:last-child { margin-right: 0; } ''; }