local debug = false local log = {} if debug then log = require("plenary.log").new { plugin = "ltex_extra", use_file = false, level = "trace" } else local dummy = function (...) return true end log.trace = dummy log.debug = dummy log.info = dummy log.warn = dummy log.error = dummy log.fatal = dummy log.fmt_trace = dummy log.fmt_debug = dummy log.fmt_info = dummy log.fmt_warn = dummy log.fmt_error = dummy log.fmt_fatal = dummy end -- local default_config = { -- -- Name of the plugin. Prepended to log messages -- plugin = "plenary", -- -- -- Should print the output to neovim while running -- -- values: 'sync','async',false -- use_console = "async", -- -- -- Should highlighting be used in console (using echohl) -- highlights = true, -- -- -- Should write to a file -- use_file = true, -- -- -- Should write to the quickfix list -- use_quickfix = false, -- -- -- Any messages above this level will be logged. -- level = p_debug and "debug" or "info", -- -- -- Level configuration -- modes = { -- { name = "trace", hl = "Comment" }, -- { name = "debug", hl = "Comment" }, -- { name = "info", hl = "None" }, -- { name = "warn", hl = "WarningMsg" }, -- { name = "error", hl = "ErrorMsg" }, -- { name = "fatal", hl = "ErrorMsg" }, -- }, -- -- -- Can limit the number of decimals displayed for floats -- float_precision = 0.01, -- } return log