local M = {} local telescope = require("telescope") M.project_files = function() local opts = {show_untracked = false} -- define here if you want to define something local ok = pcall(require"telescope.builtin".git_files, opts) if not ok then require"telescope.builtin".find_files(opts) end end M.project_live_files = function() local opts = {search_dirs = { "file_b", "file_a" }} -- define here if you want to define something local ok = pcall(require"telescope.builtin".git_files, opts) if not ok then require"telescope.builtin".find_files(opts) end end telescope.load_extension('fzf') vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "", "lua require'telescope-config'.project_files()", {noremap = true, silent = true}) return M