92 lines
3.1 KiB
92 lines
3.1 KiB
import gym
import numpy as np
from qpd.config import Config
from qpd.compressor import Compressor
from huggingface_sb3 import load_from_hub
from stable_baselines3 import A2C
from stable_baselines3.common.env_util import make_atari_env, make_vec_env
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env.vec_frame_stack import VecFrameStack
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env.subproc_vec_env import SubprocVecEnv
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env.dummy_vec_env import DummyVecEnv
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env.base_vec_env import VecEnv
from qpd.networks.wrapper.student.cnn_student import CNNStudentNet
from datetime import datetime
# Student driven no memory saving!
config = {
"memory": {
"size": 54000, # Size of memory used for distillation
"update_frequency": 1, # Epoch frequency for updating the memory
"update_size": 5400, # Minimum update size in steps
"device": "cpu",
# Only used with framestacked environments
"frame_stack_optimization": True, # Only store last frame
"check_consistency": True
"evaluator": {
"student_driven": True, # Student decide the transitions in the environment
"student_test_frequency": 10, # Epoch frequency
"episodes": 50, # Minimum episodes for testing student
"initialize": 30, # Amount of actions to skip at beginning of episode
"ray_workers": 10, # Parallel ray workers used for updating and testing
"device": "cpu",
"deterministic": False,
"exploration_rate": 0,
"compression": {
"checkpoint_frequency": 2, # Epoch frequency for saving students
"epochs": 600,
"learning_rate": 1e-4,
"batch_size": 256,
"device": "cuda",
# Only used in discrete action spaces
"T": 0.01, # Softmax hyperparameter
"categorical": False,
"critic_importance": 0.5,
# Only used in continuous action spaces
"distribution": "Std", # Std, Mean
"loss": "KL" # KL, Huber, MSE
"quantization": {
"enabled": False,
"bits": 8
"data_directory": "./data",
"run_name": "test", # Change this for every run
def env_info_done_filter(info):
key = "ale.lives" if "ale.lives" in info.keys() else "lives"
print(f"Lives: {info[key]}")
return info[key] == 0
def get_environment(config: Config):
vec_env_cls = DummyVecEnv# SubprocVecEnv if subprocenv else DummyVecEnv
env = make_atari_env("BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4", n_envs=config.evaluator_config.env_workers, seed=np.random.randint(0, 1000), vec_env_cls=vec_env_cls) #type: ignore
env = VecFrameStack(env, n_stack=4)
return env
if __name__ == "__main__":
checkpoint = load_from_hub(repo_id="sb3/a2c-BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4",filename="a2c-BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4.zip",)
model = A2C.load(checkpoint)
c = Config(get_environment, config)
comp = Compressor(model, get_environment, c) \
.student_network(CNNStudentNet) \
compressed_model = comp.compress()
compressed_model.save("test") |